Classi Seconde, Classi Terze, Didattica digitale, Lezioni di Lingua Inglese

Queen Victoria and Victorian Age

My presentation of the complete activities

Reading about the Queen

Her Life – Her Husband Prince Albert of Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha – Their Children

Let’s watch this video

Queen Victoria and Empress of the British Empire

The British Empire

Victoria – TV Series

A Reading to revise

Queen Victoria’s life

The Great Exhibition of 1851 –

Crystal Palace in Hyde Park

a Prince Albert’s project

King Edward VII: Heir to the Throne

The Hanoverian Family Tree – The Windsor Family Tree

Victorian Places in London

Kensington Palace

Victoria’s Place of birth

My Real Photos of Kensington Palace

Buckingham Palace

Queen Victoria went to live there in 1837, it became a seat of the court for the first time:

My Real Photos of Buckingham Palace

A Tour of the Palace

The Industrial Revolution

Watch the video & answer the questions

Reading about the Industrial Revolution

Reading about Children during the Industrial Revolution

from “Victoria” the queen on a train for the first time (min. 3.35 and min. 5.48)

The social custom of Victorian Age: Tea Time

Your Turn now!

Collaborative Learning: Jigsaw activity

Links of this lesson