Agenda 2030, Classi Seconde, Classi Terze, Lezioni di Lingua Inglese

Be Safe online

Media Literacy and Disinformation - Positive Digital Footprint Agenda 2030 - Goal #10 Reduced Inequalities Revision Vocabulary: Technology Reading about Cyberbullying Warm-up: discussion "What is bullying?" "What is the difference between bullying and cyberbullying?" Let's read this text... (from Game on Video Edition, level 3) Stop Cyber Bullies More readings and videos about… Continua a leggere Be Safe online

Classi Terze, Lezioni di Lingua Inglese

New Zealand and Maori

Brainstorming Activity Creating a map on the IWB, answering the question: "What do you know about this country?" 2. Geographical Features - Physical map 3. Facts about New Zealand - Political map 4. Information about the Country Read the article to know more about the Country and create a map, summary on your notebook: 5.… Continua a leggere New Zealand and Maori

Classi Terze, Lezioni di Lingua Inglese

The Passive Voice

La mia attività sul Passivo in Genially First activity: Let's watch the video... Second Activity: Read and listen to my explanation of the Passive Voice Third Activity: After studying and practising the grammar rule, let's try this quiz! Here is a picture with the active/passive sentences and verbs Fourth Activity: Pair… Continua a leggere The Passive Voice

apps, Classi Seconde, Lezioni di Lingua Inglese

Past Continuous

to express actions happening in the past Let's watch this video Past Continuous - Affirmative form Past Continuous Negative Form Past Continuous Interrogative form and Short Answers Two rules to remind: past simple of the verb to be (was/were) -ing form of the verbs (spelling variations) Speaking and Writing Activity Work… Continua a leggere Past Continuous