Agenda 2030, Classi Terze, Lezioni di Lingua Inglese

Anne Frank and the Holocaust

Agenda 2030 Goal #16

Brainstorming Activity

What do you know about Anne Frank?

Let’s read and listen to a text about her story

Track 250

Another text and audio about

Oskar Schindler and the Holocaust

from DeAScuola, “Game on! vol.3”

My Interactive activity with videos and test

Here is the video of her Biography

Watch a video about “The Secret Annex

Here is an ebook about Anne Frank’s story

Further Information about Anne

Writing Activity

Complete the test and write a brief message to Anne…

If you could write a message to Anne,

what would you write her?”

Dear Anne, …

Here are examples of messages…

Speaking Activity

Collaborative Activity: Oral final thoughts

  • In your opinion, is it important to commemorate these historical facts nowadays?
  • What is your opinion about the Holocaust?
  • What would you like to say to Anne?

Discuss with your mate and then present your ideas to the class.

Try the AI tool

Chatbot with Anne Frank about her Diary

My Lesson Plan

Questa Unità di Apprendimento è stata pubblicata sulla rivista cartacea e online GILEsig Global Issues in Language Education Special Interest Group of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) nella Newsletter Issue#127 (July 2023) pp.16-17 – Luglio 2023

This activity was published on  GILEsig Global Issues in Language Education website

Links to this lesson